Bridging the Gap: A Science-to-Society Event at Tekniska Museet Inspires a New Generation of Scientists
As we at AIMES consider the Science-to-Society dialog one of our main objectives, we gathered our researchers to organize a
A bibliometric summary of the key words of research performed at AIMES in 2021 clearly demonstrates the interdisciplinary nature of our projects.
AIMES’ vision is a world in which the improvement of human well-being can be achieved alongside responsible utilization of Nature’s resources.
We provide an environment where researchers with integrated knowledge in technology, materials science and medical issues use their full repertoire to solve research problems and develop new technologies.
By unifying basic and applied research in open dialogue with industry and the public sector, AIMES will bring science to society offering solutions to a number of global societal challenges.
The main criterium asked of AIMES’s scientists is a commitment to “integrated medical and engineering” projects. Whether these projects involve infection, neuroscience, or cancer from the medical perspective, or electrical, material chemistry, or biotechnology from the engineering perspective is irrelevant.
We welcome scientists whose work spans across the disciplines - intrinsically interdisciplinary scientists.
A core mission of AIMES is to conduct interdisciplinary research of highest standard. In 2021, AIMES scientists published 44 scientific articles in 37 different leading and high-impact factor journals spanning across a wide range of disciplines.
The interdisciplinarity of AIMES research is clearly witnessed from the assortment of journals presenting our work. These includes Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Cell Reports Biofabrication, Lab on a Chip, PLOS Pathogens and NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes.
There Is A Great Need For Innovative, Academic Environments That Promote Interdisciplinary Research, Innovation, Implementation And Entrepreneurship.
As we at AIMES consider the Science-to-Society dialog one of our main objectives, we gathered our researchers to organize a
Vilken roll har forskningen för behandling på sjukhuset? Hur ser resan ut från forskningsresultat till en ny behandlingsmetod? Vad händer inom forskningen kring urinvägsrelaterade infektioner?
During the autumn school break in November AIMES has a new exceptional opportunity to create a workshop at Tekniska Museet
We are happy to welcome Hongji Yan as Team Leader at AIMES! His highly multidisciplinary research, which involves basic science,
Warm Welcome to AIMES! Can you tell us shortly about yourself and your academic background?
The annual NorDoc PhD Summit brings PhD students from the Nordics together for three days of science and networking – focusing on Nordic research strengths and how to get the most out of your PhD.
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